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October 23, 2019


The YMCA of Metuchen, Edison, Woodbridge & South Amboy is announcing the launching of their program “Healthy Weight & Your Child”, an evidence-based program for children carrying excess weight.  Based on a grant from Y-USA, this program is being offered at no charge and includes 25 sessions delivered over four months.  The program empowers 7-13 year olds, with the support of their families, to reach a healthy weight and live a healthier lifestyle.  A parent/caregiver must attend all sessions.  One adult YMCA membership is also included with the program.  Other qualifications to participate in the program include receiving clearance from a healthcare provider or school nurse to participate in physical activity.


The program is slated to begin in mid-October and will consist of two hour-and-a-half sessions per week.  The sessions will include 45 minutes of workshops, nutritional education and/or guest speakers, followed by 45 minutes of physical activity.  The program creates a safe, fun and active environment for children and their families to explore and adopt proven methods to living a healthier lifestyle.


Healthy Weight & Your Child engages the entire family so together they can understand how the home environment and other factors influence the choices that lead to a healthy weight.  Developed by leading child health and weight management specialists using the best available evidence and clinical and government guidelines, the Healthy Weight & Your Child program engages families in education, healthy eating and physical activity to help families achieve a healthy weight and lifestyle together.  Studies have shown that the program is effective in reducing a child’s body mass index and waist circumference, reducing sedentary behaviors, increasing physical activity and improving self-esteem.


For more information, contact Hannah Thomas, Senior Director of Healthy Living, at 732-548-2044, Ext. 2219 or at